Vital Sauna Review – Mass Produced Infrared Saunas
Vital Saunas is a small reseller of Chinese mass-produced Infrared saunas. Are they worth your money and will they provide true infrared therapeutic value for you?
Choosing the correct brand for you can make a dramatic positive change in your health. This is one industry where value and benefit vary tremendously and is not always apparent.
Please read more about the real differences in the various companies and products as well as how this Vital Sauna review compares to the reviews of the top rated brands and comparison table. In contrast, Clearlight, Heavenly Heat or Health Mate will provide tremendous benefits invigorating you at the cellular level with massive detoxification. This will not be experienced by an average brand, which is where Vital Saunas rate.
Infrared Saunas fall into three main quality groupings. The top group provides exceptional healing and therapeutic benefit, the middle group provides some healing benefits and the lower group are purely recreational, providing little if any benefit.
Vital Saunas is an average company falling in the middle group.
95% of all brands sold in the US are mass produced on 4 Chinese assembly lines and Vital Sauna is one of these. The middle group are then relabeled and resold by anyone willing to start an LLC company and begin selling products. This is the approach Vital Saunas took in 2008.
Vital is simply a reseller of relabeled products found in dozens of other companies. How have they fared? They have improved over time as a company and any history can easily be searched under company name.
In fact any company can be searched partly by searching their name with complaints. Every company will likely have a couple but a lot of complaints suggests some problems. One very prominent well known brand has a long list of dissatisfied customers with an entire customer-generated facebook page dedicated to customers posting about 6 month and longer waits on product delivery, replacement parts and even more serious problems.
Vital Sauna Heaters
Although claiming low EMFs (the dangerous Electromagnetic Fields), Vital has higher EMFs than many others in similar price range. Their heaters are the average, standard carbon heaters used in most other brands.
This brand does lack a front heater which is really needed to produce better detoxification results.
The main disadvantage of using standard average heaters is threefold. First, more heaters are needed up the sides and back of the cabin to produce enough heat to heat up the air. This is typical of almost all units you view online. Contrast this with Clearlight, a top rated company, whose heaters only need to be placed up to mid way, around should height, in the cabin. Clearlight’s heaters are the most powerful carbon heaters in the entire industry using a convex shape and embedded ceramic fibers. Clearlight pioneered ultra low emf that other companies have been trying to implement and is a standout brand for many reasons.
The second disadvantage of these average carbon heaters used is that they do need to reach high surface temperatures to warm up the cabin and by doing so pass by the optimal 9.4 mgs that produces true fatty tissue detoxification. Infrared’s main benefit is getting close to this optimal resonance frequency that caused cellular resonance during which cells throw off the toxins. This is similar to certain sound frequencies causing glass to begin to vibrate.
Without cellular resonance, toxins deep inside tissues are not released in the sweat.
While a Vital sauna is a better choice than the $1000 recreational units sold at so many chain stores, it is still a much inferior brand to Clearlight, Saunacore or Heavenly Heat Saunas.
Wood and Backrest
The wooden slats that cover and separate the user from the carbon heater panels are good but could be a little narrower to allow a bit more of the infrared to reach the user. Infrared will not penetrate through wood so any slats, which all companies need to use if they want to protect the user and panels, should be as minimal as possible. These are acceptable.
The backrest is ergonomically shaped and comfortable. However the three horizontal pieces are very wide, blocking larger portions of the heat. I believe it would be an improvement if this were minimized somewhat.
Vital has been in business for 7 years which is better than 40% of the industry’s companies that go out of business in a few years.
One thing that Vital Saunas does a bit better than most in the crowded average class is that for a reseller, they mark their products up a little less than most others. This makes this brand a bit more appealing for someone wanting only an average product with a small to moderate amount of benefit.
Product Lines
Their Premiere Line is made of Hemlock and offers a 1-person up to a 5 person unit. The cabin’s pieces are locked together with sturdy buckles which when used properly are a good method of securing the unit together.
Their Elite Line is made of Cedar with 1 to 5 person models ranging in prices from around $2000-$3200.
Other Features
Vital’s cabin, wood, construction, heaters and other features are simply average for the industry. It does offer chromotherapy lights as an add on option, which are common with most brands. It also offers an oxygen ionizer which is not common on most brands. This is likely a custom feature obtained at the factory to offer differentiation from some other companies offering the exact same unit.
It also states having magnetic flux, magnets for magnetic therapy, which is used by only one other company. These two options offer an appearance of uniqueness but are not needed for the infrared therapy.
In contrast, Clearlight has superior heating, standard choromotherpy lights and ceiling venting. Saunacore and Heavenly Heat offer full cabin air circulation with the purest infrared saunas made anywhere. Made in the USA and Canada, these superior brands utilize ultra clean #304 surgical grade stainless steel heaters with 96% efficiency.
Vital has been fairly good at their marketing over their 7 year history with heavy promotion in 2011 and 2015. Care should be taken when reading some of the online promotion of the brand that appeared in 2011 and continuing as much of it is camouflaged company originated material, a common practice with some in the industry.
The company has a very good warranty, covering heaters, cabin and electronics with a lifetime warranty for the original purchaser. This is actually a good warranty for this mid level group of companies.
Radio and speakers carry a 1 year warranty.
Vital Sauna is a small reseller with a couple exclusive features selling average products that are sold with a relatively honest approach and less markup than most mass produced resellers. But they are still mass produced resellers like dozens of others. These will warm you up and cause a sweat with some degree of detoxification.
Their customer service is a bit better than most and good to work with. This is a lower budget sauna for those not wanting to wait to save up for a solid brand. If you purchase one be realistic about what you are buying. If you are very chemically sensitive or need deep detoxifying, this in likely not the brand for you.
However, if you are serious about your deep health and real detoxification, spend a little more money and get a Clearlight, Health Mate, Heavenly Heat or the Purity line from Saunacore. The difference you will experience will be remarkable.