Making Sense of All the Infrared Sauna Reviews
The positive changes you will experience by owning one of the best infrared saunas on the market can often be nothing short of amazing. But perhaps after reading even just a couple infrared sauna reviews, you are still wondering what really makes one brand different from the next.
A Sauna is a significant investment that you will own for many, many years, so you really want to choose the right one. But many look nearly identical, making it difficult to distinguish between them. And few have the quality to last for decades. So how do you choose?
We have compiled all the information you need to make an easy and informed decision. This is potentially one of the best decisions you can make for your health, and our sauna reviews are here to help guide you in that decision.
Which is the Best Infrared Sauna for You?
If you simply want a easy answer, and you want to own one of the best infrared saunas available, you can go straight to the review of Clearlight Saunas or the Health Mate review and pick the model that fits what you need and the size you are looking for. These are the best the industry has to offer – you cannot go wrong with either.
Unlike 95% of the saunas on the market, these will provide you with safe, non-toxic, well constructed models with lifetime warranties. Both of these brands use powerful safe heaters which are a combination of carbon and ceramic and both use wood supplied from the same supplier.
Which Saunas Pass the Four Critical-Criteria Test?
You want your sauna to work properly, effectively help you accomplish your health goals and be a valuable unit that lasts a very long time. Therefore, The four most important things to consider are safe EMF emission levels, non-toxic construction, actual power of the heaters and warranty.
- Wood and Glue Used in the Sauna Cabin
You obviously want a sauna that looks good and fits your decor (just ask any husband that has made a critical error in this area). However the type of wood used is more important than how it looks. Thankfully all of our top recommendations also look Great.
The wood should be air and kiln dried only and not be of a type of wood which out gasses fumes when heated. Additionally only water based glue or no glue should be used as other glue give off toxic fumes when heated. It is counterproductive to deeply inhale these fumes as part of the detoxification process. Don’t buy a cheap sauna.
As far as wood type, while cedar smells great and gives an look of elegance, a few people are allergic to Cedar fumes. So many companies offering saunas in cedar also offer an alternative. Health Mate and Clearlight offer a few varieties of wood with Clearlight offering its Essential Line (all the quality and benefits of its top line while being its lowest priced product line) in Hemlock. Therasauna offers exclusively Aspen, basing that decision on wanting every saunas to be non-allergic for 100% of the market.
- No infrared sauna review is complete without discussing the actual power of the heaters themselves, although this is often an ignored component in many purchase decisions. It is the power of the heater and the actual infrared that penetrates the user’s skin that determines the amount of detoxification and health benefits you will receive.
Therasauna and Health Mate excel in this capacity as they have powerful heaters. Clearlight also shines as it combines ceramic fibers into its carbon panels, the only manufacturer known to do this. This combination gives the best detoxification effect you can find in a sauna. A $700 sauna from a large store chain with unknown heaters will almost certainly be lacking in this.
Another brand, Rocky Mountain Saunas, has the standard carbon heaters which by themselves are inherently weaker. It also covers up to 60% of the heater surface with wooden slats, blocking a tremendous amount of the infrared which does not penetrate through wood very well. Refer to the review of this brand. Avoid a sauna that uses this many wooden slats over the heaters.
- Although this one is a little technical, one of the most important criteria when considering any infrared sauna is the level of EMF (ElectroMagnetic Field) inside the sauna. For safety, you want the EMF level to be anything below 3.0 Milligauss (mG). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Swedish Government, and other Government Agencies have determined 3.0 mG to be the safe EMF level.
Ceramic heaters tend to naturally have lower EMF levels than Carbon Panel Heaters. Some of the cheaper carbon heater saunas can have EMF levels or 30-50mG and some well over 100 mG. However, the best sauna manufacturers have reduced their levels in recent years to below 5.0. A few have EMF readings approaching zero when measured a few inches away from the heaters. Clearlight Saunas, one of the early leaders in low-emf heaters, may be the only carbon panel manufacturer to not only have their levels tested by an independent lab, but to so also post those levels on their website.
- Lifetime Warranty. That is what you want to look for. Out top recommendations all have lifetime warranties. The best saunas also have years of history of standing behind their products. One well known, high priced brand, reviewed here, has changed their company name at least once in the past few years, voiding all warranties. They also have a poor record for quality with many fires begin reported and verified. Another brand, Vital Saunas, has many posted complaints on many different sites including complaints of fires.
In earning our title of Best Infrared Sauna on the market, our top recommended brands pass the test on all four of these Critical Criteria. Your sauna should as well.
Additional Features
Chromotheapy (colored light therapy)
Control Panels on the Inside and Outside
Heaters behind and beside the lower legs
Heaters on the Front of the Cabin
Removable back rests
The Best
The top recommended brands that pass all the above tests are HealthMate (ceramic heater), as well as Clearlight (Carbon with Ceramic Fibers) and Therasauna. Each brand uses different types of heaters, have different approaches to style and design, and cover a wide price range. The individual reviews on these brands will help guide you to the best infrared sauna for your home.
For those on a restricted budget, a 4th brand to consider is Better Life Saunas. We believe these to be a step down from the top three and the standard carbon panels in Better Life Saunas will not have the power of the carbon/ceramic True Wave panels used by Clearlight. However, this brand is carried and sold by Therasauna, likely making it an acceptable alternative.